This may sound crazy, but pick up Annie or Udyr. They are literally the easiest champs in the game. You can say Garen is, but he actually does different things with his abilities that even Bronze players don't know about.

Udyr basically auto attacks with his abilities. All the time. Spam that shit and you should win plenty on your way to lvl 30. Build armor and health. You're welcome to start with any ability. He's so retarded it doesn't matter.

Annie deals damage with everything. Build AP. When someone comes near, roll your fingers on QWE. If they're half health, put R in there. Things should die. You can max either Q or W.

Oh and about that vid. I warned you of the Bronze/low Silver. I was kinda scared to go in after I threw out my 2nd Q because Malz is scary and I knew Ashe was waiting for me. And you can see that Udyr headed straight for me after that Leo ult. He was just as fed as I was.

I also had no balls at that time in the game.
Last edited by SparChar; Aug 3, 2015 at 11:55 AM.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
This may sound crazy, but pick up Annie or Udyr. They are literally the easiest champs in the game. You can say Garen is, but he actually does different things with his abilities that even Bronze players don't know about.

Udyr basically auto attacks with his abilities. All the time. Spam that shit and you should win plenty on your way to lvl 30. Build armor and health. You're welcome to start with any ability. He's so retarded it doesn't matter.

Annie deals damage with everything. Build AP. When someone comes near, roll your fingers on QWE. If they're half health, put R in there. Things should die. You can max either Q or W.

Oh and about that vid. I warned you of the Bronze/low Silver. I was kinda scared to go in after I threw out my 2nd Q because Malz is scary and I knew Ashe was waiting for me. And you can see that Udyr headed straight for me after that Leo ult. He was just as fed as I was.

I also had no balls at that time in the game.

I guess my statement was a little lacking. I have since turning away from LoL played around 40 games of DOTA and have a pretty good understanding of how they /MOBAs/ work now. I'm still garbage at them and I don't understand build orders at all, but I feel like I can pick up some pretty fun champs now that I have 25ish hours of experience in A SINGLE MOBA. I might just be crazy though.
I think I might be retired.
Ah, builds are completely situational depending on your champion, playstyle, and current needs in your match. Usually, you'd have a general build that works for most situations.

Sometimes, you can get ahead and build an extra damage item or you can change a weaker damage item into a stronger one (Runeglaive or Ice Gauntlet switched to Lichbane or Trinity Force generally). Sometimes you can get behind and never be able to build a Deathcap on your AP mage or an IE on your Master Yi.

In your builds, you might want to rush that Zhonyas or Bloodthirster (or any defensive item) before your IE or Lich Bane (or any offensive item).

Some of these things come with experience. Others are just basic knowledge and sacrifice.

There's also powerspikes, but that's a whole other discussion.

MOBAs are a lot more similar than people think they are so you should be fine.

Oh and I actually like DotA 2. I just have a bad PC.
Last edited by SparChar; Aug 3, 2015 at 12:41 PM.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
This may sound crazy, but pick up Annie or Udyr. They are literally the easiest champs in the game. You can say Garen is, but he actually does different things with his abilities that even Bronze players don't know about.

Udyr basically auto attacks with his abilities. All the time. Spam that shit and you should win plenty on your way to lvl 30. Build armor and health. You're welcome to start with any ability. He's so retarded it doesn't matter.

Annie deals damage with everything. Build AP. When someone comes near, roll your fingers on QWE. If they're half health, put R in there. Things should die. You can max either Q or W.

Oh and about that vid. I warned you of the Bronze/low Silver. I was kinda scared to go in after I threw out my 2nd Q because Malz is scary and I knew Ashe was waiting for me. And you can see that Udyr headed straight for me after that Leo ult. He was just as fed as I was.

I also had no balls at that time in the game.

Oh fuck no. Not Udyr. His skill order patterns are really difficult to master and you have to feel the map very well in order to use Udyr to his full potential. Definitely a bad choice for a begginer. Plus why are you even recommending jungle for a new player.

Annie, Ashe, Garen, basically all point and click champions. Focus on learning how to farm and you'll get into the game fairly fast.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

He said he wasn't new so Q-Q

And map awareness? If only we had that in Bronze... More Q-Q
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
I played this game for like a day and cried because MOBAs are hard. I want to try this again by I really just have no clue where to start.

Start with the simple champions and work your way up. I would say the most easy champions would be Yi, Ashe, Lux, Xin Zhao-ish, up to the more harder champions like Azir, Ziggs, Corki, you know what I mean. Just try finding a champion that feels right for you. If it helps, find a pro-build and try to expand that and change items when necessary.
Originally Posted by Kristis133 View Post
Oh fuck no. Not Udyr. His skill order patterns are really difficult to master and you have to feel the map very well in order to use Udyr to his full potential. Definitely a bad choice for a begginer. Plus why are you even recommending jungle for a new player.

Annie, Ashe, Garen, basically all point and click champions. Focus on learning how to farm and you'll get into the game fairly fast.

Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle -> Bear -> Turtle.

No need to thank me
Last edited by Kookoo11; Aug 3, 2015 at 02:49 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
RedPanda won't fuck his dog
Turtle > Bear > move where you think they'll go > damage stance > repeat.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by Kookoo11 View Post
Start with the simple champions and work your way up. I would say the most easy champions would be Yi, Ashe, Lux, Xin Zhao-ish, up to the more harder champions like Azir, Ziggs, Corki, you know what I mean. Just try finding a champion that feels right for you. If it helps, find a pro-build and try to expand that and change items when necessary.

I try to encourage not starting with easy champions, and play who ever interest you. People who start with Garen, realize he is free wins, and then never put him down don't experience the full game.

Or there is the case with people like me. I have an easier time learning hard champions then easy ones. I can not play Yi. At all. I die a lot. But I picked up Yas pretty easy.
It all comes down to muscle memory really and general game knowledge in order to play a champion.
If I played yasuo for about 100 games or so I'd understand the mechanics behind his kit to a somewhat decent level, however it's actually knowing when to use said abilities of their kits. Yi would take a significantly lower amount of time to get his kit down into muscle memory as he's a basic champion conceptually.

e.g. yi pretty much requires timing on his q to dodge certain abilities rather than just pressing it in order to minimise the enemy damage output onto you so that you can faceroll efficiently. There will always be scenarios where this doesn't apply but this is just an isolated case.
Sold my dog to join RRO
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
I guess my statement was a little lacking. I have since turning away from LoL played around 40 games of DOTA and have a pretty good understanding of how they /MOBAs/ work now. I'm still garbage at them and I don't understand build orders at all, but I feel like I can pick up some pretty fun champs now that I have 25ish hours of experience in A SINGLE MOBA. I might just be crazy though.

Don't worry about build orders as a newbie. You'll learn eventually, it isn't an easy thing to learn nor is it the first thing you should be learning. Patience is required.

I would say pick whatever champion looks coolest to you and get it. Read guides from on that champion which will go over things like build order and various build paths, skill order, specific lane matchups, and how to use the champion. Make sure the guides are recent. Ignore the parts about runes and masteries because you won't have them at low levels. Other than that, it would be a good idea for you to ignore jungling for as long as you can because without runes it is extremely difficult.

Focus on that for now, learning other things about the game will come with time.
Last edited by Hyde; Aug 3, 2015 at 06:09 PM.