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Ranked is making me cry. Why am I bad at this game Q-Q
Quick question as an ADC. If the enemy team has a fed Garen with GA and BC, full stack Cho, and an Udyr, would it be better to get BT first for survivability or a LW to shred through their armor? I even thought about getting Botrk to kite Udyr.
Mid and Top lost that game. It was just Jg Fiora and me as ADC. I went 4/0/1 in lane then roamed mid to murder Cho. I have no idea what I was doing wrong. I was way ahead in cs of everyone in the enemy team and had most kills in lane.
It's also pretty hard to kite when Cho, Garen, and Udyr are tunneling straight for you. You can jump away, but Udyr will catch up to me real easy then murder me.
I really hate everyone who plays this champion. When you lose to him it doesn't feel like you got outplayed or anything. He just runs up to you with his perfectly balanced movement speed then you're dead.
Riot pls nerf or rework. I don't give a fuck if he has an ultimate skin. He's poorly designed.
Salt aside, can building 3 defensive items on ADC work? I feel like it would make me useless as an ADC though. And there are only defensive items with AD for magic damage...
Fuck I hate this game.
Okay so, first thing: kite kite kite. If you can kite udyr and garen, that's 2 of them that won't really be doing much of anything to you.
Second thing: you can build defensive items on adc, but that means you have to be really good at being there to do damage all of the time because you'll be missing out on a lot of damage as it is. It would be far better if you just manually kept yourself safe. Udyr can run at you, sure, but you're ranged and you can just hit him and walk away. Bork and LW would both be valid choices, and one more thing.
When you're ahead in your lane by a lot, roam to another lane. Their mid cho is doing well? Go mid, siege the turret early. Take dragon with the jungler. Do something to give the people who are doing bad time to catch up. Also, if udyr is catching up to you, you either aren't standing far enough away/behind your team, or you just aren't kiting.