tahm kench
I just found the answer to all my problems: Vayne. I know I've played her before, but I was really bad with her. He can deal with Riven, Cho, Udyr, maybe Rengar... I'll just put in effort to learn her.
Also, I was playing Trist. As Ez, I might have had a better time against these guys. I kite like a god.
5.16 PBE cycle we have a MASSIVE update! We have six new skins total, four champion gameplay updates, defensive item changes, two new items, and much more!
This one of new item similar to Atma's Impaler. ;)
Link Surrender@20 Blog -Spoiled-
Edited: Mordekaiser seems hybrid champion now. I want play Off-Tank Mordekaiser. Arcade Riven is mega awesome skin!
GP is back
GP is back
Figured out that I prefer Gangplank in the mid lane (y)
I looked at the update in your link Chris.
Darius is going to get built in sustain/juggernaut potential whilst Garen becomes an avenger type champ? Hm can't wait to try it out.
Mordekaiser Dragon ghost