Warmog's is excellent against poke comps as it gives a significant increase on health regen no matter how much HP you have.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
^That's why I buy warmog's
Also, I was trying out a recommendation from a friend. I rarely use it's active though so I'm probably gonna start buying something that fits my needs more. I dunno what though.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Lol I think he might have haha.

Anyways, you're still rather new so it probably won't matter right now but as a support one of the first things you should be buying is the sightstone. Wards win games man.

But as of now just keep playing the game how you want to play, do some experimenting, its great fun once you get a good feel for the game.

Also try not to steal all the kills from your adc haha
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Oh Heimerdinger...

He's only annoying when you're playing a champion who's supposed to be strong early and build for early. The thing is, Heimer will be weak in early-mid game (right when laning phase ends) if your opponent is smart and just farms forever. Later on in the game, your turrets WILL get picked off before you can place 3 at a time unless you pull some mind games with Zzrot or something and lead them to a bush of death.

But since you've only hit the tip of the iceberg in this game, I'm sure you'll have fun with Heimer for around 100 games until you hit 30 then mid Silver.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by qukslice View Post
You have to be dissappointed when this happens
I was doing so well too.
Anyway. I just bought Heimerdinger so I can piss everyone off when I play mid

Ardent Censer is for only support champions who have heal/shield on ally champion grant them attack speed and magic damage. Blitzcrank don't have heal ability.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Originally Posted by Chris
Ardent Censer is for only support champions who have heal/shield on ally champion grant them attack speed and magic damage. Blitzcrank don't have heal ability.

I realized when it was too late. Decided not sell it because I didn't have time to. I had to be rekting or else we would lose.
Originally Posted by Mrjingles
Lol I think he might have haha.

Anyways, you're still rather new so it probably won't matter right now but as a support one of the first things you should be buying is the sightstone. Wards win games man.

But as of now just keep playing the game how you want to play, do some experimenting, its great fun once you get a good feel for the game.

Also try not to steal all the kills from your adc haha

I never try to steal kills from my adc's. Sometimes, they run and I have to use my ult to finish them due to my long ass cooldown for my Rocket Grab.
I buy the sightstone(and upgrade it because I need the health) after I buy my boots. I need to work on continuous ward placement though.
Originally Posted by Sparchar
Oh Heimerdinger...

He's only annoying when you're playing a champion who's supposed to be strong early and build for early. The thing is, Heimer will be weak in early-mid game (right when laning phase ends) if your opponent is smart and just farms forever. Later on in the game, your turrets WILL get picked off before you can place 3 at a time unless you pull some mind games with Zzrot or something and lead them to a bush of death.

He's very useful for pushing lanes. The turrets do tons of damage if your not careful so people will constantly shuffle around while you're shooting with rockets. It's funny
Originally Posted by Sparchar
Warmogs has an active? Since when?

Fucked up my typing there. I meant to say I was trying out Ohmwrecker.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Ah, right Ohmwrecker. That one item that people need to start building on Bard... Oops I let out my secret.

I have that "continous ward placement" problem, too. I get really indecisive (which I know is a big part of why I'm in Bronze) and end up just farming instead of warding.

I'll tell you what I tell myself a lot of times. Don't be afraid to give up CS or a little bit of pressure so that you can ward (it actually works out well with the latter). Your ADC will be fine for the 5 seconds you're gone. You'll have an easier time with your ADC being alone and safe than if you were both blind and guessing. Missing CS might also balance out the minion wave so it pushes towards you and you'll be safer from jungle ganks unless they want to dive.

Oh, and unless you continously run out of wards, you shouldn't upgrade Sightstone. I made a habit of backing more often (= ward refills) to be less greedy so I usually upgrade it when I'm full build or close to it. You also don't always need to place the max 3 wards all the time. For most of laning phase, you'll probably have river and tribush or one of the lane bushes. That means you can invest that 400 gold into more important items.

And if you feel really ballsy, you can say fuck you to the Sightstone, wait for lvl 9, then buy the upgraded trinket. I would only recommend this if you think you're ahead or in a easy lane/jg as you do potentially lose wards. This allows you to buy an extra item for survivability like a Randuin's, utility like a Crucible, or damage like a Zeke's.

Oh yeah, abuse the shit out of Zeke's before it gets nerfed more. K done.
Last edited by SparChar; Aug 9, 2015 at 07:19 AM.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Ah, right Ohmwrecker. That one item that people need to start building on Bard... Oops I let out my secret.

I have that "continous ward placement" problem, too. I get really indecisive (which I know is a big part of why I'm in Bronze) and end up just farming instead of warding.

I'll tell you what I tell myself a lot of times. Don't be afraid to give up CS or a little bit of pressure so that you can ward (it actually works out well with the latter). Your ADC will be fine for the 5 seconds you're gone. You'll have an easier time with your ADC being alone and safe than if you were both blind and guessing. Missing CS might also balance out the minion wave so it pushes towards you and you'll be safer from jungle ganks unless they want to dive.
The thing is, I don't want to have to go behind my protective line. I risk my health and mana if I do that and I could potentially get killed if I don't have my warmog yet. Plus, all of adc's have been sucking lately and taking all da minion kills. 5 game losing streak.
Oh, and unless you continously run out of wards, you shouldn't upgrade Sightstone. I made a habit of backing more often (= ward refills) to be less greedy so I usually upgrade it when I'm full build or close to it. You also don't always need to place the max 3 wards all the time. For most of laning phase, you'll probably have river and tribush or one of the lane bushes. That means you can invest that 400 gold into more important items.
Tribush is only for top. I only top Kha'zix but he's not very good at holding lanes without a support. I realized that having 3 wards at a time is really dumb quite early and tbh I always forgot to buy the sightstone and always go straight for ruby at level 11.
And if you feel really ballsy, you can say fuck you to the Sightstone, wait for lvl 9, then buy the upgraded trinket. I would only recommend this if you think you're ahead or in a easy lane/jg as you do potentially lose wards. This allows you to buy an extra item for survivability like a Randuin's, utility like a Crucible, or damage like a Zeke's.
I've never used an upgraded trinket before. I'll have to see what it does and if it helps me more than the Ruby Sightstone. The health is great when I'm playing Blitz.
Oh yeah, abuse the shit out of Zeke's before it gets nerfed more. K done.

I doubt that I can use Zeke's efficently. I really don't need the buffs and active it gives over something like the Talisman of Ascension which helps me out as an support. I've practically mained blitz at this point.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15