Sorry i wasnt on today i was out all day gettin dazzle so i can record some gameplay on my xbox, but i will try to be on tommorrow
[-Losing is a lesson we all can learn from]
Yo, I'm on if anyone wants to hang.
Gamemaster -- Need help? Click here!
I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
Originally Posted by Zoro View Post
Yo, I'm on if anyone wants to hang.

Your name starts with a "Z" but doesn't have the letters "A" "Y" "E" or "X"in it.

You can be my friend.
Zayex, leave him alone. He doesn't need your AIDS virus. He also doesn't need the crabs.

[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Originally Posted by hepimen View Post
I remember a joke about that...

"What's your ringtone?"

I do not get it

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
I'm just going to go ahead and proceed to vomit now if you'll excuse me.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos