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I think kiting is the only thing that's gonna get me out of Bronze. I think it's the one of the few things that I can do above Bronze level. And it's really hilarious to see a full health Tryndamere try to kill me as a low health Ezreal when they underestimate the power of TForce's MS speed buff.
Also, I got a weird Bronze Vayne build idea. What if you built Tumble Vayne with Trinity Force? Tumble Vayne is more focused on her Q which is already on a 2 second cooldown with no CDR allowing you to proc Spellblade (Spellbolts?) often. Maybe build it on regular Vayne? I mean think of the burst, trading, and incredible kiting potential here. You'll be untouchable even without Tumble.
A guide to climb most of low/mid (bronze/silver/low gold) elo through botlane at least from my perspective:
Understand very basic concepts of trading/zoning and trading (Don't waste too much resources by trying to trade when you know your support/adc is not going to follow up)
Right click minions to get mad dolla (Getting high cs while respecting enemy zone ranges to a decent degree will help you climb a lot)
Right click minions more/less to get a minion advantage in lane and push for a sweet level 2 powerspike and sometimes freeze the lane at certain points
Bait them but approximate how much damage you can take (People will almost certainly tunnel on you)
Pay attention to summoners (Can get you through most of mid/high elo just by abusing the fact someone's heal is on cooldown or whatever)
Position according to your team and theirs, as both teams are mindlessly hitting their faces together try and safely put out as much damage as possible
Pay attention to powerspikes n shit, a level 6 graves will fuck yo shit up. Abuse your own spikes e.g. Powerspike when you've completed an item
Use mobility shit to dodge skillshots if you can't sidestep them, but keep in mind that you don't want to use summoners like flash unless you need to. People won't abuse the fact flash is down much in bronze, but it's a 5 min cd (4:30 with masteries) and that's quite a long time for a simple blink.
Punish people by zoning/all inning if they don't back and you have a significant item lead, this also comes down to abusing powerspikes.
I just want to make something clear, I wouldn't recommend spending time on efficient item builds at lower levels when you could improve your understanding of the basic concepts of the game, However when it does come to efficiency on vayne there are some more optimal buildpaths for her which would provide more dps if you can position correctly.