Originally Posted by TheAnimal View Post
Yeah thats true I don't do it when I'm alone, just together with friends
I like the feeling it creates sitting in a circle talking about whatever (most likely politics, girls and sports)

HAH you talking about politics Haha good one

Originally Posted by Azure View Post
how is not being a clan council for you?

How about you go somewhere quiet and go fancy yourself
I am not applying for the Clan Council so stop trying to make me
Originally Posted by Azure View Post
Why ;_;
Go apply for it

why don't you

So anyway, change of topic, how is everyones school going?

I'm done in nearly 10 weeks :O
school is like a party going up in flames at 9 in the afternoon.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Originally Posted by Skylar View Post
school is like a party going up in flames at 9 in the afternoon.

I don't know why you started doing this but please stop. I'm trying to get a real conversation going.
Originally Posted by NotShadow View Post
all my denial letters from colleges came in today


how in hell did u get denied
Originally Posted by NotShadow View Post
I be stoopid

and my grade point average is shit tier

well who's fault is that you lazy