Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: Should we Customize our tags?
Hell yeah why not?!?!
1 Votes / 11.11%
No, whait until we optimize the clan more.
8 Votes / 88.89%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
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nono I fell over and got my foot wedged between two rocks...

I was living off ants and centipedes for 1 week.
Join the [Essence] of Toribash
I don't know about girlz but I know about girls. ;)

I havn't had the chance to speak to everyone in the clan yet. :3

been busy with real life stuff... eg. CHRISTMAS
Join the [Essence] of Toribash
it dosn't really matter what
you give, just so long as it
came form the heart ^_^

but if you give me a suckish
gift i will kill you. <3
cool, did you have to hang
your feces in a tree so the
bears couldn't get to it?
or are you supposed to put
food in it? hm...
my faeces was more like a repellant to most predators. them insects give off a nasty fragrance on them faeces
Join the [Essence] of Toribash
eww...i guess it would've
been smart to rub the feces
on your skin when you wander
too far from camp...or carry
it in a pouch and bring a sling
shot with you...