Name (Actual): Brayan
* Date of birth: 22/02/2000
* Location: Mexico.Chihuahua born and bred
GMT (GMT-07: 00) Latin America
Primary Language (s): English
Secondary language (s): Spanish Basic
Belt: Black 2Dan
Alternate Accounts: No current alt accounts.
Preferred Mods: I enjoy a wide variety of mods but my 3 favorite would have to be Judo.Mushu.Aikido
Previous clans: YesWeCannabis. Clan very old. Nothing wrong with that. Amazing players and amazing clan. Left inactivity.
şBiography: I'm assuming you want me to say a little about myself here, so I'll tell you some of my interests and hobbies. I work a job, skate and Toribash play in my free time,
* Contact information (ie, Facebook, phone, email, Gamertag Xbox Live, etc.)
Why you want to join: I love being apart of a community.
What we can offer the Guild: After I have been longing they died YEC join another clan to put my time and effort. I'll help you with anything that might be useful