Secret Santa 2024
View Poll Results: Mascot choice?
Sketchy Giraffe
1 Votes / 11.11%
Guelphy Gryphons
1 Votes / 11.11%
6 Votes / 66.67%
an egg
1 Votes / 11.11%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Name(ingame): Lahlou
Belt(Black Belt or Higher Preferred): 3.DAN
Best mods(Judo, wushu,tk, aikido, parkour,ect): Judo, wushu, aikido, taekkyon,
Why you want to join(Do i need to explain): I'am clanless and this clan looks great
Infractions(Just so we know who we'll dealing with): -
Also i need three replays posts without replays will be shunned: Replays below
Age: 14
And I'am also programmer and video maker ;)
Attached Files
lahlou_supercomb.rpl (52.7 KB, 6 views)
lahlou_supercomb2.rpl (273 Bytes, 5 views)
lahlou_supercomb3.rpl (276 Bytes, 5 views)
lahlou_x2_breakdancee.rpl (153.6 KB, 6 views)
Yes, I will be working on that ;)
I'am a good programer, so I can make cool Zero programs with toribash theme
Name : kevin909
Belt : Black belt
Mods : Wushu , Aikido , Katana , Jousting
Why I want to join :
Infractions : None
Replays : update later
Balance is key.
There, fixed it for you.
Remember to turn dq off or to set a big dojo next time.
Attached Files
parkour team.rpl (1.07 MB, 19 views)
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.