So if Faker bought a Bronze V account and won 50 games in a row, he'll skip an entire League? Just in theory.
I don't understand. If he keeps on winning, won't his MMR just spike like a motherfucker? I mean, I was deep in the 7th ring of ELO hell: Bronze 5 and it took me like 10 wins to get promos. It ain't that bad.
Plat's real elo hell.
Why does every plat 5 scrublord think they're the second coming
My mmr right now is somewhere around plat 4-3 considering that's mostly who's in my games.
There's no such thing as elo hell. Work on improving yourself as a player and you can carry every game. You might think your team is the shitty cocky plat guy, but so is the enemy team. I'm plat as well and LP gains aren't even bad. If you can learn to mute all and focus on the match, you'll also realize all the issues with toxic players etc goes away.