Because the background of the forums is also light, it looks like something that belongs in a Anime Sequence, which is the bigger compliment ever since Anime Rocks
Well you have to teach me some stuff now I have the same software ;)
Don't start that again xD you pro compared to me
Heres link to my channel
LOL also you know your pro compared to me, because yours in from scratch, mine is to but I used video tutorials and put my own flair onto them, Mainly because im not good at following instructions
I wish you would teach me stuff, Like how to model a low polygon character so I can stick a Biped into him and animate him for a game
Dude, if you asked me to make a chair, I would totally fuck up :P
I didn't do nothing but listen to the tutorials, I given up on 3DS Max because its so goddamn complex and doesn't teach you want you want to learn
For example, I learn how to make everything and animations, how the fuck do I make games?
Another Image
Image again
As you can see, I haven't been making much. I don't use it a lot because of how complex it is, I just wanted to make a low poly game to get the idea of real games design.
But now I work with Materials since so many people have trouble with it, so I help out on the Autodesk Student Forums
Oh I know what DoF is, I need to adjust that in my photography course.
Yes I know how to operate it, its easy, tell it the target, and adjust background bluriness
and the target your focussing on will be crystal clear compared to the background