Just act like everybody is 12. I learned how to be more controlled around toddlers playing League like this. Plus, I'm never toxic.
Unless you play Riven...
Or you counter jungle me...
Just had a game where I was Elise jungle with an Olaf top lane vs Vlad. I asked him nicely to take a camp at lvl 1 so he could get first blood with ghost and snowball his lane when he teleports back in. Unfortunately for me, it's that time of night where the soloQ quality drops drastically and I'm playing with braindead morons so the Olaf proceeds to take wolves at lvl 1 but walks straight to lane without recalling and dies to the lvl 1 Vladimir because Olaf only had 130hp left. I don't know how people contain themselves sometimes.. makes me cringe soooo hard aaaaaaaaaaaaa
generic story to prove there's always hope (based on a true story)
Dude, half of Riven players can win their lanes from just spamming Q W E without auto attacking at the champion's current state. Now, we just need to tone down damages a lil because holy shit that ult damage.
Dude, half of Riven players can win their lanes from just spamming Q W E without auto attacking at the champion's current state. Now, we just need to tone down damages a lil because holy shit that ult damage.