Christmas Lottery
Name: Shaft Jordan
Race: Black/Siamese Twins/Basketball player/action figure
Equipment: Endless supply of dead fetus heads, Basketball
Abilities: Fetus grenades spam, Double headbash, basketball skills, plasticness, awesome smile
Heres a picture :P

Lol if you'd like i could make a better character :P
Hey roz could you come up with a character for me? I don't want to be significant. Just a little side character. maybe comic relief? I dunno. Just something like a cool side character who shows up everywhere somehow but doesn't really affect anything. Forest Gump like.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Lol don't really see why you want me to make you a character... But ill try to think of something i guess lol.

Edit: I cant think of anything that matches your criteria :P. Ask Jc :O
Last edited by Rozbickon; Dec 1, 2009 at 08:29 PM.