really? 5DMs huh? Is there a record for that? Anyways, your stuff is great, you make this look too easy and make me feel like a tool for trying :P in other words MOAR.
Nice mini-manip. I also like how you used your leg to get momentum for the other leg. I would have liked more of an impact, this looks kinda weak, but still good.
Short but intense.
I love the spins you did after the frame 380.
Also the decap is pretty good even if it looks weak.
In my opinion there aren't big flaws in this one.
Didn't like so much the first 100 frames.
Overall 9-/10
Now that is brilliant. Love the movement, fluid but also quick and spastic. Nothing quite like a well played decap. Plus, if it had been me making this I would have totally gone for the split with that punch :P this is much better though imho.
Wow! im only rating the last one.
It had a awesome flow, i liked the flips and stuff
and it had a lot of damage. ive seen u do a tiny bit better though
i liked the boom too 9/10