You should have linked this post in your application , it really gives you a lot of credibility as a replay maker. Honestly you're the only one from that list that I don't really know and you were probably the one who joined TB later from those 16.
I'm glad you applied.
Why should Death Plague consider you?: Im A good guy i would say
Write one or two paragraphs about yourself.This is where you tell us about special in-game skills you may have, your personality, why you want to join, etcetera: um i like Food... i Also like Capital Letters. There Fun . I Enjoy Using smiley faces and Sparring With People. Best mod: Dont really have one. Referrals(who recommended you to join this clan): no one but ive been wanting to join foor a while. i thought you had to be a Certain Belt How many times have you been banned or infracted: 1 time on the art board (Forgot tags) Previous Clans:Zero
Why did you leave/get kicked out of the clans?: oh The clan had a loss of members. Skills in TB community (Do you have anything else to add? Or special skills like making textures, video making, coding skills, etc. i Love replay making. i make vids textures and stuff. made my texture set. its a bit dry though. Ive Also recently mad my first mod. you cant find it in the mod section [Jets_Freerunning] Also attach a singleplayer (classic.tbm) and a multiplayer (Classical mods or running) replay: Please post your Stats Card, which is viewable at the "Shop" tab at the top of the screen: