Well, Crazy is taking over here soon, but may I imply that we are a black belt required clan? I don't want everyone to forget that. Also i've seen too many to count people swear loyalty then not post another post after that. That is why i'm trying to get only black belts with high posts.
Oh, fachri [or vman what do you perfer?] your in, you meet requirements and proved yourself, that already builds my trust for you, for that, you get the specialist rank ^_^ grats! Though currently we arn't in tori clans, I can't assign tags yet, if you want to know yours or any other rank, head to the member list :> welcome to the MFR.
I thought we were ignored
aweome, your tag is [MFR-SPC] fachri
Last edited by CRASH3R; Dec 31, 2010 at 04:58 AM.