Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by Foxie View Post
Nope. But i'm curious little thing.

Ah, cool, same here

Autodidacticism ftw

BTW Pat Condell youtube videos are nice hehe

Originally Posted by Foxie View Post
Bible IS just a book in the exact same sense that 100 and 1 nights (arabian storybook. ) is a book.

What she wants to say is 1000 and 1 nights :P
Last edited by GenkiSudo; Mar 9, 2008 at 10:25 PM.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Originally Posted by Foxie View Post
Nope. But i'm curious little thing.

To Chronos:
I told you. Do not feed me the ''it's symbolic'' bullshit.
It's not passing through any more. Bible is the absolute word of god and ment to be taken -----literally------. Ask any priest or read the book itself. Both tell you this.

Refusing an argument because you have no valid counter-argument are you?
Tell me where it clearly and without doubt states in the bible that everything there should be taken literally. Without taking it out of it's context which you seem to enjoy to do

Bible IS just a book in the exact same sense that 100 and 1 nights (arabian storybook. ) is a book.

And if the psalms are songs, they sure have horrid lyrics and in no way melody at all to them. And Psalm certainly does not translate to the word of ''song''. Look it up ye ignorant foo'. I pity you.
Besides, look up the word oops-i-forgot-what-i-said-earlier. Oh wait, it doesn't exist. But you can understand it in any case. You claimed before that bible = truth. So now you're claiming it isn't? But a clever analogy that can be interpretted freely depending on which part you read it? WHAT THE FUCK?!

Originally Posted by wikipedia
The word psalms is derived from the Greek: Psalmoi, originally meaning "songs sung to a harp", from psallein "play on a stringed instrument", Ψαλμοί.

No, not exactly song, but close enough. -.-
I believe that the bible is true, however that doesn't mean the authors can't take artistic freedom when it comes to the books that are clearly poethical. Now when was the last time you took a poethical text seriously regarding anything scientific? Also I suppose you study the bible more so you can distinguish between books that are historical and books that are poethical in nature.

You claim witchburnings ended because religion. That's bullshit. The horrid crimes against women STARTED SOLELY BECAUSE OF FUCKING RELIGION. They ended because common sense overcame religious blindness.

I already stated that the witchburnings started because of religion. I didn't say they ended because of religion, I said religion played a role in stopping it. I even gave you an example of a christian person who opposed the witchburnings.

And you said it yourself with the crusades part. People got fed up with pope (head of religion. By the way, it wasn't only one pope who ordered the crusades.) which is INCIDENTALLY the head of christian religion. Again, stopped because of COMMON SENSE, not religion.

Actually it was a combination of both, people started using common sense when reading the bible and when they did that they found no support for the crusades, at all. I think I already posted that though, obviously you choose to ignore things you can't answer. Regarding the pope, it's true that he is the head of the catholic church, but not of christianity as a whole, however since I can't find any proof in the bible that there should even be such a person I'm not even accepting him as the head of christianity.

Oh, and thanks for the laugh of the day with your ''grand canyon was formed in 40 days'' comment. I laughed. Hard. And i'm dead fucking serious. Even at the fact that you brought up someone who actually wrote a book taking such ridiculous belief to even THOUGHT. You know, they tested that with small scale. They flowed ginormous amount of water in HIGH PRESSURE (100bar) (that is impossible to be formed by natural phenomena.) for 30 days straight on a granite slab only inch thick that was the same granite that was in the grand canyon. You know what it managed to do during those 30 days? It got half a millimeter off from where they started. (granite is fucking hard.) They made the test to approximate the age of Grand Canyon. The age is, without a single doubt, huge.
It would be hard to do such a massive gorge on the ground even with NUKES. To claim it was done by water in 40 days is beyond ridiculous.

First of all he never writes that it was formed in 40 days, I'm not stupid enough to believe that, and neither is the author, what he states though, is that there is evidence and observations that supports the notion that many geological formations can be formed without needing the huge timescale that uniformitarians claim they need. Maybe you should actually read the book before you judge it?
I'd want the source of the bolded statement, if you please.

By the way. Drink poisonous substances, handle snakes and all that bullshit. All believers of god can do that, it's in the fucking bible. It's not a threat to ''go die!'' or anything. Of course you won't be harmed. You believe the rest of the bible anyway, so why can't that part be true? I'm only asking a confirmation to a part of bible's truthfulness.

Where does it state that believers of god can drink poison and handle snake? I would also like to know what that other "bullshit" is.

My reply.
Last edited by Chronos; Mar 9, 2008 at 10:23 PM.
Originally Posted by The_Legendary_Ninja View Post
Ok come on now, this is getting rather stupid and pretty flamilicious at the moment...

Just let it rest.

I don't think it's stupid, I'm having lots of fun I haven't seen any flaming going on here...
And besides, after answering so many question, I believe I'm due an answer or two...
I'm back, I think... :)
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"Democracy and majority rule are stupid. The masses are ignorant sheep that need leading by a brilliant statesman. This divinely appointed leader is Adolf Hitler, who will rule the world with a few chosen elite. The Third Reich, or new German Empire, will last a thousand years. It will be a Nazi totalitarian state with total control of government and the lives of all citizens."(Adolf Hitler, Mien Kampf)

hmm... sound familliar? some one who knows what they are doing was able to convince an entire country to die for part? This guy accually existed
Since i'm talking to an ignorant person who doesn't have a single clue of his religion, or it's bases, i'm going to start to selectively ignore statements too.


In my name they drive out demons, speak in tongues, they pick up snakes with their hands, when they drink deadly poisons it will not harm them at all.

And this is about every christian.
I do not take things out of context, i quote directly from the source, but i do not want to quote the whole chapter of innecessities. They are numbered for this usage. I only quote them in full.
Last edited by Foxie; Mar 10, 2008 at 12:18 AM.
What what? In the butt.
Lets cool it a little, hey?

Just reading a little of it, nobody's really wrong here (Foxie is right that Christianity, pretty much as a whole, is farcical in its conception and celebrations, but Chronos is also correct in showing that science to disprove religion is thoughtless and pointless. You can't disprove something immaterial). Oh, except for slipknot. I have to comment, your wholehearted, unquestioning belief that the Holy Bible was written under Prophets of the Holy Spirit? Please. The only thing truly exceptional would be its length, but not really its contents, especially considering it was written by a great many people (and if you count the Apocrypha, which a scary amount of Christians don't know exist, you have even more).

Faith is not inherently good. Blind faith brought along more than one genocide.
I would ask both parties to act a little more leniently to each others views here. In the case of Faxie and Chronos, just curb the swearing. As with slipknot, again, might I ask that you do NOT dismiss any argument on the basis that 'it does not conform with the Bible, therefore it is wrong'? The Bible doesn't even conform with itself. I thought I already mentioned this. This is a Discussion, not somewhere to state that everything but Christianity is the wrong path.
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
imo religion is one of the earliest forms of economy, it keeps everyone in line with minimal effort on the rulers side.
Qegola, I appreciate you trying to take the fire out of this discussion, but I can't help but comment on your remark on science and religion. You see, science is forced into a defensive position much like the one I'm taking here because religious people are doing the reverse. They promote Intelligent Design, a thinly veiled attempt to put creationism in the same league as science.

When you look at god as being beyond science, you basically give the believer free rein to attribute anything he likes to the existence or will of god. Because it can't be disproven, it can't be untrue. And with the current state of affairs of the world, the culture of appeasement toward religious beliefs, this means he can pretty much get away with anything. Cut off your son's foreskin in the name of god, and you're fine, but if I do it based on my conviction that there's a holy teapot who wants me to, I either go to prison or to a mental hospital.

Then again, it is very much possible to examine god in a scientific light, as Richard Dawkins has showed us in his book "The God Delusion". When examined scientifically, the god hypothesis doesn't hold on account of probability. There is no indication within verifiable knowledge that there is any reason to believe there's a god or an intelligent designer. (I've shouted this out loud a couple of times hoping to provoke a counterargument, by the way... Is it going to come or what?)

Yet people still base their morals on the supposed word of a deity that by all standards of human decency is a demon of the highest order. You can hardly open the old testament without seeing a reference to fire, brimstone or eternal damnation. And as a believer, you can't cherry pick scripture for the stuff you like. You either believe all of it, or you're a hypocrite and bound for eternal hellfire. Scripture says so itself. It doesn't matter what tribe of the children of Abraham you're from, it holds true for all.
It follows logically that the believer is either a fundamentalist or a hypocrite. Fundamentalism has brought us the spanish inquisition, the holocaust and recently, islamic terrorism. Hypocrites aren't worth attention by their very nature.
And while the world stands on this slippery slope, you ask me to just sit here and allow it to happen because science and religion are two different things?
I don't know about you, but when my unassuming logic is put on the same level with the belief in the god of a death cult from the bronze age, I'm insulted, and I can't just let that lie.
Last edited by Skazz; Mar 10, 2008 at 05:05 PM.
I'm back, I think... :)
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