@ToxicKaTe: Leaning towards a no, your application is not that impressive and there are no replays.
@noobnumba0: Nothing impressive about you either. The first post in this thread specifies our requirements, and I don't think you live up to them.

Originally Posted by Dzajko56 View Post
that was an application
man thats shit
no replays, bad grammar

I suggest you re-read the first post of this thread too, you might re-learn something. Like common sense, basic grammar and punctuation - all of which are things you need to start using again if you're going to remain here. Seriously, you posting things like this make it seem like we all do it, since you're part of the clan. That's something I'm not about to tolerate, so please do familiarize yourself with our rules and start adhering to them again, otherwise I'll probably kick you. Elementary things like putting capital letters in the beginning of a sentence, using commas and apostrophes are not beyond your capabilities, unless I am mistaken. Your posts in these last few months are all like this one, and I don't want that. Improve or we'll have to part ways.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Originally Posted by UmadBro75 View Post
My UserName:UmadBro75
My Real Name:Tyatie
Belt:2nd dan blackbelt
Why Do you want to join [Extreme]:I want to join extreme because i think that this clan has a lot of nice and awesome people.Also i want to join [Extreme] and not any other because of the name.It sounds Awesome.I hope that i make it also because i have skill like no any other person in toribash.
Any skill mods:My skill mods are akkido,akkidobigdojo,twinswords,judo and wushu.I know its a lot.
Anyone recommended this clan:Nobody had recommended the clan to me
Contacts,My facebook account: Tyatie thedarkness suarez
Contacts,My youtube account: TheEliteGamerKid
Other clans i have joined:elite

Get out. Now.
Last edited by SilentAssassin; Sep 3, 2012 at 07:37 PM.
I say yes to this guy but I don't know if they say the same over at [Extreme] clan.

[People who fails to see the sarcasm in this post deserves to be called stupid]
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Originally Posted by jisse View Post
My god, NO!
Bad grammar, no replays etc.
Guys what happened to all the good applicants? :|

we joined Hunters XD
joining hunters
Belt (Minimum is black):Brown belt almost black.
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game ? : If im going to be honest, i know that i can inprove a great amount, however i can show good spells when put in the right mod, (which you all know is not lenshu ¬_¬)
Why do you want to join us and not another clan?(please explain in depth): because seeing and playing with you before in a private match made me feel at home because you were all so welcoming and playful, also i have a close friend, huskai within the clan.
Are you recommended by one of our members ? (if so,by who ?) : yes, huskai
Have you read our rules, and do you agree to follow them if accepted ? i have fully read the rules and promise to obey them
Favorite/Best Official Mod: judo/aikido
Special skills: (Cannot include Toribash skills like replay-making.Can include any skills outside it): football.
Examples of that skill(if applicable, at least 2 would be nice): ask huskai as he goes to my school.
Previous Clans(if any): N/A
Favorite Forum(if any): i dont really visit the forum because ive had no reason to.
Toribash organizations Affiliated With(if any): currently none.
Do you have an alternate account, and if so, what is it ?( we don't allow multi-clanning) : i used to have another account, however i forgot the password to that account and never was in a clan.
Location: UK
Level of forum activity(Important!): I currently have no reason to be on the forums, but if I manage to get into [hunters] I could perhaps prove myself as a active forum member.
Number of Infractions: none.