GMTourneys are great. I personally find them to be a nice mixture of mods allowing for a competitive and fun atmosphere. sadly, as with most things, there's many people who'd be quick to refute that. Nonetheless, the way I see it, the problem doesn't lie as much in the variety but rather in the Significance of these events.
No, I don't mean giving No-QI Demon Forces for every tourney, but rather possibly the giving of awards to those who accumulate those most "points" (1st place=
x amount of "Tourney points" 2nd place=
Some fraction of x; for the sake of algebra, lets name it y) over a certain span of time. The person with the most of these "points" receives an additional prize. These awards wouldn't necessarily have to be god tier, not even to the extent of a No-QI item, merely something that the winner could show off to their friends and whatnot. Considering logs are already kept for each tourney, this could be simply a thread to maintain and update periodically.
It would give more meaning to each tourney. Aside from just getting the prize, bashers like myself could have more motivation to come to these tourneys, seeking more than just a [relatively] small prize (opinions on this vary from person to person). The implementation of this points system could create a whole new aspect of GM tourneys that would further attract players of all skill levels.
Also, these new approaches to in-game GM events such as the 48 Hour GMVictory are awesome, however only provided they are better organized then on previous occasions. I would like to see more Hotseat tourneys with alternative objectives as well. These are things such as distance traveled, fastest self DQ, most combined damage, etc. (Tonakai knows what's up). I love to see the GM's continually growing in creativity regarding events, you guys are doing a helluva job.