Christmas Lottery
Naruto, This guys cool. I fought with him and he beat me a few times, and he is pretty good. I say accept him. Except he doesnt get time zones. Or applying for clans.
Sweet free crap!
Help me out man if u think i want some cool swag for an extremly poor toribasher
Hey guys do i have a say in this?
I think he should be allowed if hes beaten Semen9799.
Just my opinion
I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks
Thank you for that great pun Blaze. And yes, you are in Chapa. So shut up.
Sweet free crap!
Help me out man if u think i want some cool swag for an extremly poor toribasher
That doesn't mean it wasn't a good pun. Kinda like how I could call Naruto Nonuto and I could call it a pun. Or I could just be evil and call him the worst name in the book. A Canadien
Sweet free crap!
Help me out man if u think i want some cool swag for an extremly poor toribasher
You need to have a member list...
Good luck anyway.

Proud founder and leader of [POLICE]