Nut, Sergant has been denied already. My vote on Dispute is still no. I don't want seem mean here but the main reason is your belt. We will be trying to become official soon and having a clan full of green and blue belts kinda lowers our chances by a lot... :L
Last edited by Eboy50; Apr 10, 2014 at 02:48 PM.
My pet rock died today.
Belt doesn't matter, It's the skill, You've just gotta see me in game.
Ok, I've been denied and I'll accept that.
Last edited by Dispute; Apr 11, 2014 at 01:41 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Dispute defeated Moop on Dec 16, 2016.
name: gore0314
live in: philippines
belt:2nd dan
i am a forum and ingame active too because im addicted.And i prefer to give to this clan is fame by attaining its rank by 1
Silence Has Began
b9tec would like to join :)
Why you want to join: I would love to join so i can talk and have fun with you guys.
what could you bring to the clan: Im ok at judo and win most fights.
your other clans you have been in: i have never been in a clan.
b9tec your denied your forum activity is a -2 out of 10 and we don't want ok we want excellence and judo is not that much skill apply somewhere else
Every body praise this man
Rumour is my bae for lyf
Am I forum active? Yes.

Am I ingame active? About Everyday.

What can I give to Beta? A good player. A decent online friend. I can skype, recruit etc. I get on a lot. Its rare when I am not on.

Belt: Brown Belt

Age: 14

Why I want to join: I've been through a rough childhood, my sister died recently, Grandparents were killed in a car crash, Etc. I just want a community of friends that I can relate to, and talk to, as well as have fun with.
About Yourself
My name is Detailed(In Real Life:Ramez). I'm in +2:00 GMT or Eastern Time. I'm a black belt and have a 57% win ratio. I'm a Good replay maker though I'm not oblivion or anything. My global rank is pretty Good right now,I try to be a nice guy though I'll admit I do have my limitations and sometimes snap and act like a jerk(Not so much). I TRY to say gg after every fight and stay out of arguments though again, I have my limitations. If you have any other questions I should be in your IRC, or you can contact me on skype, username: Editz123.

Other Clans You've Been In
In this order:

Why Did You Leave Them

I left Sharp and Method because they were both completely forum and ingame inactive. I warned them if they were inactive I would leave. They were so I sadly needed to leave. It's however I left due to my own inactivity. Shortly after I joined It's I started getting bombarded with school work and my computer broke, this caused me to go completely inactive. I left using my phone because I didn't want my inactivity to make the clan look inactive. Now PSY.... I got recruited into PSY shortly after they started. I did somethings to help them out and there leader soon promoted me to co-leader. It was great, their members were fun and nice, but there was still one problem... I didn't fit in, and that was for one reason (prepare yourself, I'm about to sound really stuck up and like a have ego issues), they weren't on my level ingame wise. I recruited a few members that were ok but I was always the best in the clan. Most of the time we warred almost all the wins were from me. Later the good members had to leave for various reasons. The clan started to disintegrate and I started to not fit in more and more. I started clan hunting and talked to the leader of Beta... and left. Though I am not in the clan anymore they are still family and I plan of staying active with them.

What Brings You To beta?

Well, like I said before I went clan hunting (just looking a various clans, lurking their forums), I looked at beta and thought to myself, "wow they are kewl". I started looking around your forums and I got the urge to join. I lurked around for forums for about 2 days and really started like the clan.everyone seems pretty cool and nice.because i talked to them on IRC, Over all you guys just seem like a great clan and I think I would really enjoy it here.
and i got an artist talent thats how people tell me so i came here to learn me too
ingame activity:9/10
forum avtivity:9.5/10
Belt:Black(QI 1800)
alt accounts:PlsDontkillMe/firepaced/Curser
Special skills:
Good modes:ABD/Akido/Greykido/mushu/Spar/Parkour
and here is some of my arti wish you liked it)

here is some of my art I wish you like it

galaxy robot

monster cookie requested set by Glitz Drago

Cyborg Set

Detailed and Coyote LOves Nerti
Attached Files
beta 1.rpl (211.9 KB, 7 views)
beta 2.rpl (217.3 KB, 6 views)
beta 3.rpl (281.2 KB, 5 views)
beta 4.rpl (223.2 KB, 5 views)
beta 5 run.rpl (220.5 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by detailed; Apr 13, 2014 at 08:47 PM.