Anyway, you won't get my to say yes, but since everyone else seems to not care at all that you just left us to do your own business, I'd go against all of them if I said no.
Soooo, I'm apathetic.
Let me get this straight; Everyone who leaves Aeon on his own, that doesn't include kicks for inactivity, but does include leaving to found your own clan, does not belong back into Aeon once that clan dies. You decided against Aeon and for Grim Reapers, now GR is dying (not even dead yet) and you already come back crawling, hoping us to accept you back just like that? Let me ask you one thing: If Aeon is ever on the verge of dying, will you go back to Reapers? Haha-
I don't hate ViperTech, you, or anyone who leaves for another clan. Hating doesn't make sense. I respect your decision that you saw Grim Reapers to be a better clan for you than Aeon.
Trying to come back tho? No. Even if everyone trusts you, I won't. I know that people who turn their backs to you once (even if the parting was in good spirits, like with ViperTech) they will do so again. I can't possibly trust you to stay in Aeon as much as I would every other member to, that's just how I roll.