idk, i downloaded it yesterday and just started right now
my fortnite name is JHunter03
Last edited by jhunter03; Apr 5, 2018 at 10:26 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<(Raven)g3tab0ut> seems like you have nothing nowhere near fate, Jhunter
Originally Posted by Blur View Post
Add me Blursr1 feeling bored, let's do some duos

got no mic though

adding you and jh in a little bit!!!
I had 13 kills in a solo, it was me and one other guy, the circle was as small as it gets, I was in my base, peeked out to shoot my rpg, lagged backwards and shot my wall and killed myself, feels bad.
PS4 and epic accounts both active_gaspard I have 10 solo wins 20 duo and like 45 squads add me if you wanna play