1. Activity check automation
Historically, activity checks were tedious labor carried out by the whole clan staff team, every once in a while, 2 times a year tops. This has proven to be ineffective every time when some part of the clan staff was lacking in members or activity which made organizing activity checks much harder.
After lengthy discussions and coding work, we are moving on from that system. We now have automatic checks, which check every official clans' activity with the click of a button, leaving only the warning of the clans to the non-AI. This means we will be able to do checks way more often, with out current plan being monthly check
Moreover, soon we are going to add mini versions of this system to every official clans' clan page which display only their results, so you can know that your clan is lacking in, what needs to be boosted, etc.. Expect it soon.
2.1. Activity check criteria
Another major change is the criteria used for activity checks. We've come to the conclusion that in-game activity for official clans is both important and currently very lacking.
This pushed us to change the criteria to aid in-game activity by giving it more weight over forum activity. No more will clans get through clan checks because they shitpost on one thread in their boards for months.
If you want your clan to survive, you'll need your members to play the game. But, to be more fair on clans, we are giving you a grace period of 2 months to get accustomed to the new criteria, and we will start with monthly checks afterwards.
2.2 In-depth criteria statistics
Not only are we changing the criteria, but we are actually making it 100% transparent to the community. Activity check criteria was previously only known to clan staff (and others with access to the right boards).
Your clans' activity is now decided on a point system, divided into 4 fields:
- XP - 0 - 10
Tied mostly to clan wars, the more you war the more points you get here.
- In-game activity - 0 - 45 pts.
The major point-winner. If 50% of your members are active (5+ games per month), you will get full points.
- Wars - 0 - 15 pts.
As long as your clan plays 7 wars (won or lost) per month, you will get full points.
- Forum activity - 0 - 30 pts.
Not completely abandoning the forums, getting 50 posts per month on your clan board will give you 25 points, while you can get an additional 5 if you reach 200 posts or more.
All together you can earn up to 100 points every check, while to be considered active you need to get 50 points at minimum.
You will be warned at 25+ points. 3 warnings in 6 months and your clan is going to face the consequences.
If you receive below 25 points, you can expect immediate removal.
3.1. Deofficialization over death
All of that might seem scary to some of the clans who read this. They have worked hard for their clans and don't want to see them wiped from existence if they don't keep up their activity, and we can understand that.
With that, we have decided to change up our process for removal. Your toriclan will now remain, with it's members, with the only change being that you will now be unofficial. Your board will always be recoverable, and you can start moving back up to official right away.
3.2. Warnings
This list shows clans who would have been given a warning had we conducted a check or would have been facing removal. If you find your clan's name on this list be sure to use the 2 month grace period to it's full potential and boost your activity up (again, you will be able to see the exact stats on your own clan page very soon)
Parrot [warned]
Hack [failed]
fl0w [warned]
Damned [failed]
Times of Panic [failed]
Inquisition [failed]
Relax All [failed]
re [failed]
Jolly Roger [warned]
UssR [failed]
Evolution [warned]
Piratez [failed]
The Last Legion [warned]
Alpha [warned]
[T] [warned]
Elite [warned]
Infinity [failed]
Aeon [failed]
Don't Kill My Vibe [warned]
WAPOW [failed]
Tribe [warned]
Rock [failed]
Nitro [warned]
Suki [failed]
Catalyst [failed]
Saint [warned]
Hidden [failed]
I am [warned]
Frost [failed]
Midnight [warned]