Hang on a second... He wants us to make art and stuff, and then give the money to him? Im confused...
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
@Fezh No no we are happy that you can earn some money for yours stuf

@Metroman - I don't have skills or good programs. You have to have imagination and art sense. If you find something simple that can look good, try to do it in paint or to found parts of it on the google, then reclour it witch gimp. Look at This He are two great sets, made witch simple techinque.

To make left biceps and right biceps [triceps also] the same you have to turn them horizontally[->>] then move 20pix to the left or right [it depends with one you are converting to the other].

To mirror legs, you have to turn the down half veritcally then turn the upper half also veritcally. Thouse halfs have to meet in the center.

Then with time you will learn how to do it faster and faster, and to use other tools. After few sets try to experiment with new tools. Thats all
Funny way to die :)
Confusing as man... Ima stick with making wallpapers for a while.
Speaking of that, who wants one?
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
You can't do better than that I have at the moment so - maby someone els :P

And why are you confused?
Funny way to die :)
Baku, thanks for the short tut lol i think it might be easier making other parts of the body because they don't stretch, making head texts is hard-ish
I don't know why I am confused, maybe its just that i'm tired, and i'm realizing i have work tomorrow, and that I have homework due on monday........ ima go to bed......... nighty night.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
I need help witch signature - I made my own signature sign but I have no idea how to post it right with link ...

There is writen that I have no permision to images ...
Last edited by BakuMiszcz; Feb 13, 2009 at 10:31 AM.
Funny way to die :)
Oh right I have to pay for everything :/ shit ... this is to much I think - I understand boosters, TC etc. But signatures? this is eh ... No coment
Last edited by BakuMiszcz; Feb 13, 2009 at 10:46 AM.
Funny way to die :)