Secret Santa 2024
Okay. I will be very inactive in the weekdays because my mom does not like my grades.

I you convert it in letter grades, it would be

mostly B+ and B

my mom wants my grades to be A. So, I'll be inactive.
You made add me to the inactive list. But I'll be very active in the weekends anyways, so its your decision. Also, Kwygon, Pm sent.

so, after a small H1N1 outbreak at my camp, and a SWAT team effort trying to clean it out, I'm finally going to camp.

after a week.


now, i'm only going for 2, 2 1/2 weeks, which is lame.

anyway, i leave tomorrow, check my sig for details on my return.
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))
I Leave in 5 days to the hour I will be not around as of about 1030 GMT-7 tuesday june 30th for a 6 week ingame break.

after 4 weeks I will be on the forums more frequently but still not a ton :P

I go to europe and then my cottage.