Err, a little late, Merry Christmas to everyone. I've got about an hour, so I'm just checking in. I'll be inactive through the second though :/
I hope everyone has a good first of the year. Expect for me to be back soon ;)
P.S. Vipe update the front page. I'm seeing a lot of new people here. Again.
Ok guys so I'm going to need the good judo players to /join concon
ingame, i should be waiting till atleast 2 judo players show up. And others are welcome to show up as we progress.
So /jo concon
Too late now, no one showed up. Will try again later today
Rift: always a good idea to only apply to ONE clan and waiting instead of jamming applies all around (ice, End + awaiting re-invite from TOF as far as I see)
Btw. ToriGirl22's app can be considered as closed, she joined another clan.