Good thing Yorick is the worse champion riot has released yet.
His Q w e spells arent terrible, but pretty weak. His e is a nice heal, but other than that it's pretty meh. but his ult is god awful. It's a broken down version of morde and zileans ult. The ghost that spawns dies in ~5 seconds on its own, and gets blown up so hard in team fights, rendering the ult useless.
All of his ghouls have like 200 health and die in 2 seconds. Not to mention they hit for about 15 each. Not to mention his fucking mana problems. You almost need to be spammy with his skills to do any damage at all, and it adds up fast. Manamune is pretty much a must
Riot just could have made a tanky dps character, gave him no spells besides a heal every once and a while and he would be just as good as yorick.
Fuck I mad
Last edited by Megadoomer; Jun 24, 2011 at 04:23 AM.