Shows how mature you are, insulting me though I've never said anything to you at all...
I'm not scooping to your idiotic levels of stupidity so will sit promptly on my chair of maturity. I refuse to argue with a jackass about maturity. You sir, can fuck off.
Giving mfr a bad name? First off STFU. Second, we GAVE this clan a name, you have nothing to do with it, while you sit on your nub ass we were out here fucking working constantly trying to keep it alive, i KNOW you haven't had such a responsibility, because you're an immature little dork and cant do shit for yourself,
you have no right to accuse me and crash of giving mfr a bad name. Nothing you will ever do can amount to what we've done already for the worthless piece of shit
you are, you have balls to confront me in such a manner that makes you look like an idiot. Who am i kidding... nobody's listening, fuck off ripper.
And whining? Im not whining im stating a fact, and taking a last stand for something i can't stand. It's people like you that make this clan look bad, insulting it's own members, even the ones that use to be leaders, where is your respect? Crazy would be crazy for keeping you're stupid ass here... you pretty much just signed a
kick in the ass out of this clan you realize that right? Go ruin someone else's clan. Immaturity is immaturity even though you cant see it? Are you seriously that fucking
stupid? That didn't even make sense, you're just looking for reasons to be a lil bitch about it, just becuase you suck doesnt mean you have to go around insulting me
or others, yes im insulting you right now, because everything about you is wrong, you shouldnt even be in this clan, it's too good for you? why the fuck are you here
why did crazy let you join, you're replays suck, your post count sucks, you suck, now please just do everyone a favor and get the fuck out of this clan
Last edited by doubleboob; Jan 31, 2011 at 10:36 PM.