View Poll Results: What type of art do you prefer?
Simple and Cartoony
1 Votes / 12.50%
Detailed and Complex
3 Votes / 37.50%
I like them both
4 Votes / 50.00%
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by Beatzarr View Post
Much offtopic post.

fuck u doge fag

remove doge from premises
[23:51] * Toad311 Licks Nitoratus's crotch
Hes talking about that 11 year old dude ..because he is trying to be mature on a young age
Imma say yes. I will say that comin in like you own the place was wrong, but you've heard that enough. What i did notice is that you show drive and great promise to become a talented player. Plus your app sounded pretty mature to me. Also, I feel like you can develop here in this clan. I do everyday. You realized your mistake and apologized, you play nice. so yea, i say yes.
Once a boy saw a snake and pissed himself, he ran away. The little jew lost his hat, he asked senpai to give him a penis hat and some shekels. Senpai gave it to the faggy jew. After jewing enough, decided to jump off the colorful rainbow that was on Conduct's small dick with some darkness and dark magic. After he jumped into an oven he got gassed by a skunk with super herpes while jacking off to gay porn of Nitoratus and his dad doing anal and blowjobs and spanking eachother in the ass with a dildo shaped banana. When his mom saw these fags having hardcore sex, she decided to make the best party of fag-tastic proportions that nearly destroyed Beatzarr's fancy house in the middle of the ocean filled with semen , after that party Beatzarr and friends
Originally Posted by JenssonFTW View Post
Off-Topic: I do some work im my minecraft World , im going to defeat the dragon but i need some Ender Eye`s and after that i will make a Iron farm , i have a small house like 6x6 or 5x5 i forgot it , the basic farms and Full Diamond :P, and i just enchanted a sword and have looting III and i put a book into the anvil with sharpness III

NOTE: Later i will upload some pics of my world .

Yo bro, do you do any MP stuff in MC? If so, I'm co-leader of a faction on a MP server. Its fun and we would always like new members.
Originally Posted by Prolexus View Post
Imma say yes. I will say that comin in like you own the place was wrong, but you've heard that enough. What i did notice is that you show drive and great promise to become a talented player. Plus your app sounded pretty mature to me. Also, I feel like you can develop here in this clan. I do everyday. You realized your mistake and apologized, you play nice. so yea, i say yes.

Thanks prolexus for the yes and I did try to make everyone feel better by the apologise.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
There are people that are 12 years old and mature, and there are people that are 16 years old and not mature. I probably was a fag when I was 12 years old
Once a boy saw a snake and pissed himself, he ran away. The little jew lost his hat, he asked senpai to give him a penis hat and some shekels. Senpai gave it to the faggy jew. After jewing enough, decided to jump off the colorful rainbow that was on Conduct's small dick with some darkness and dark magic. After he jumped into an oven he got gassed by a skunk with super herpes while jacking off to gay porn of Nitoratus and his dad doing anal and blowjobs and spanking eachother in the ass with a dildo shaped banana. When his mom saw these fags having hardcore sex, she decided to make the best party of fag-tastic proportions that nearly destroyed Beatzarr's fancy house in the middle of the ocean filled with semen , after that party Beatzarr and friends went to Prolexus'