Because it's obvious he wants to learn what's effective. Anyone can build whatever they want for fun, but there's obviously limits to what's effective. I mean, you can build bc on rengar for fun, or you can build ghostblade and damage items and win.
Also it's hard to take you seriously when you talk about "Playing for fun" when like a week ago you "quit" after losing silver solo queue
I know this might come across as rude but your build sucks.
If you're going tanky you're doing it wrong =]
I suggest watching this short series:
this guide is from a challenger rengar player who taught me everything I know
here is my profile proof it works
I don't like it. You have like 0 burst cause there's no flat pen and unless you want to play rengar like a pussy tank you'll probably not get full armor shred on anyone. A rengar player can easily get 40% cdr with ghostblade/cd boots/runes.
It's easy to say an item is good on a champ when you've hardly played it.
Hyde watch the videos I linked
Basically , always got 5 stack before ulting.
When you are fed as fk, just press R with 5 stack, use youmuu and jump on the enemy adc while pressing Q, when on him Q E W, and hydra, of course.
Or you can immobilize a solo target to kill her, with a 5 stack root while being airbone, and then just kill her, it's effective against champions that got escape ability (Ezreal,graves...)