Does elite even have any clan alliances? If not i could try and get some clans to become allies with us. It would be a good thing to add in to the clan details on the front page, to at least change up the layout and make the clan seem more legit i guess you could say.
Man, we totally did, and now I forget who they all are. The only one I really remember is [Latin]. If you want to get more clan allies, go for it, and just let me know who they are and I'll throw them up wherever it's fitting.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
I think I'll be able to become allies with -Horror. The leader of -Horror tried recruiting me before I went to elite but i didn't join him, but we talk every now and then. His clan is just starting out and I've watched them in clan battles and they're good. Also since they're new I don't see them not accepting my request.

Secondly I'm not completely sure but I think I'll be able to become allies with -SSDD as well. I know some members of there clan but I think i'm going to need to know more because I only really know one of there clan co leaders and the other co leader a little bit. I'll work on it.

But before I do anything, I have a question. Is there an official way to become allies with clans? Besides just sending them a message on there forums saying "Requesting allies with elite" Or something like that.
morning guys. thanks for the invite!
haha school starts on sept 5th for me. Unfortunately, ill be less active then. I gotta do track and field (200 m dash), manage a movie club, run for a position in a biomedical club, create a new event that I have in mind for the school, and earn my 300th hour of community service. yes. and I'm only a Sophomore. along with all those shit I have to maintain a 4.0 gpa (thats the max unless if youre taking ap's) and study for the SAT. not sure why I said all of that. *sigh* School shall be the bane of my existence.
I guess I'll just have to enjoy summer.
oh. and speaking of clan alliance. I can get you guys 2 clan alliances. Zone- and reapers. and probably a few other clans. sound good? and once I get my HP eNVY 15 ill start makingart textures for free for this clan.