This is how you get out of silver:
1. Ward, no one else does and if you arent horrible you can outplay some ganks(especially if they gank you at a power spike) and get some easy kills. Also no one expects things to be warded and they just run through jungle willy nilly, at one point i was counter-jungling and keeping mid pushed as anivia just by warding camps.
2. Roam and dont be afraid to tower dive. Seriously, especially for top lane/jungle mains. Dives are sooooo easy in silver if you play it right. Also keep scuttle crab control so it's easier to roam in the mid game.
3. Rotations rotations rotations. See 4 people bot lane trying to gank your adc and support? Don't run to go help, because what's gonna happen, is that you're gonna get there after they have died already and A. try to clean up a kill and end up dying or B. realize you can't do anything and walk back up to mid. What you should do is push as hard as you fucking can. What happens if your laner isn't bot? go mid or top and help them push their lane or just keep farming, or even better steal a camp. The key is to not waste time.
4. Don't waste time. This is especially true for junglers, don't skip camps while walking through your jungle, you can skip wolves/razorbacks so that they're up next time you come through(look up jungle pathing). Don't sit in a bush for 30 seconds waiting to gank someone or counter-gank someone. And DO NOT try to clean up kills for your laners unless you are already there. If your mid laner says "low health cassiopeia under tower" don't run from red buff to try to kill her, because 9/10 times you will A. die or B. get there too late. If you don't think you can make a rotation, just keep farming.
5. Be aware of your lane opponent. If it's a pivotal point in the game(5th dragon, baron, big teamfight, inhib is up) or you have almost taken down a tower, OR your laner is horribly behind, you can just ping and tell your team that your lane opponent is missing. If your mid/top laner decided to teleport/roam somewhere during lane phase it's a different story, you HAVE to follow them unless you're nasus or tryndamere; otherwise your team is going to be at a disadvantage. Don't teleport back to lane unless A. your tower is about to get destroyed B. Your lane opponent does not have teleport and you think you can get an exp/tower advantage. or C. You just finished getting an objective and there is a huge wave in your lane. Ever seen those Korean videos where the jungler goes bot and then in 5 seconds there are 10 people bot lane? Yeah that's called following your laner.
1. Ward
2. Roam/Dive
3. Rotations
4. Don't waste time
5. Be Aware of lane opponent
A.K.A Map Awareness.