Wrong wrong wrong wrong WRONG. Mid plat-low diamond is when mechanical skill BEGINS to be a factor, but it's still mostly about map awareness, objective control and punishing mistakes. Anywhere between bronze and high gold, mechanical skill is barely existent, unless a player has a terrible attitude. Just look at insec kicks on lee sin. Usually around diamond 3+ they start to actually be able to insec. Under that, chances are that they either can't or will do it terriby. Alistar is the same thing. Under plat, most alistar players can't even combo properly.
SOURCE: I'm a high-plat/low diamond player who has faced everything from bronze V up to challenger tiered players.
I'm plat 5 with ~plat 2 mmr and I consider myself to have terrible mechanics. Every time I get matched with d3+ players i get absolutely ruined. They genuinely make me look like an intermediate bot. That said, I feel like the diamond 3 when I play against anyone below like gold 2. I can probably get a 100% winrate in silver/gold barring afks. The level still changes a lot. In silver/low/mid gold, people generally don't kite or orbwalk or stutter-step or even watch for enemy cooldowns. The dragon/baron calls are retarded and no one thinks of preparing baron/dragon before they spawn.
In mid plat, it's a lot different. The level of play is completely different. It isn't nearly as high as d3+, but the difference is large. D1 60lp+ is a different matter entirely. I'd feel at home around d5 right now, where I think my winrate would finally start to peter out.
I think you need either really good mechanics or really good decision making to reach D5. Anything more and you start to need both.
or u can play on lan
plat 5 is not mid plat.. how do u get plat 2 mmr and not skip to plat 4 directly after promos