Hello (Soak)! I have recently applied for your clan via PM and have been accepted as a member of the clan. I have posted two of my single-player replays below for the clan video. I will most likely make more soon.
Attached Files
Green - Supernatural.rpl (126.9 KB, 4 views)
Green - Death Wish.rpl (123.9 KB, 4 views)
Whoever said Green was not that great of a colour?
Who won the war? Also hi gigreen
Super Moderator, Event Squad, Market Squad. If you have any questions shoot me a PM!
hey Kradel, Ikas, and rest of Soak

Just here to check in and say hi. Got any word back on how applying for official is going?

also you guys are getting close to us in clan thread pages!
We are doing fine thanks. I'll check now if they said anything. Also, it's because I have awesome active members!
Just finished this replay, it's not bad I guess, let me know what you guys think. (In case you didn't already know, I'm bad at naming replays :P)
Attached Files
Green - Warforged.rpl (113.0 KB, 5 views)
Whoever said Green was not that great of a colour?
@Gigreen, you have a weird position here and there but other than that its pretty cool.
@iKas, you should note that even though everybody in Soak didn't include replays, those who didn't include replays are normally busy with school work and other stuff. For example, rain and yuseimot. Rain will be gone for at least a few more weeks, scracky got engaged about a month ago so he is probably focusing on reality right now, Insto has slowly drifted away and has begun being afk and yuseimot rarely posts. So besides them 4 (and tentacul (forever afk)), you have everybody else's replays. Besides Taffy right now. Unless you want to wait another month or so, you can start with the replays of everybody who is actually active and contributes to us getting closer and closer to our chance of official.

Oh and by the way Should I ask for a quote on how our official trial is going?

Fixed "it puts the lotion on its skin". So now there is a K,O.
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Last edited by Kradel; Oct 29, 2014 at 10:47 PM.
@Taffy, around a month. We only applied about 2 weeks ago.
@Zomur, we are fine thanks <3

Also, it seems that iKas has left us and created his own clan...not even a good bye. I really hope this doesn't affect our chances of official because its unfair if that ruins our chances and he didn't contribute to the 50,000TC that went towards paying for the trial.