Please don't ever build Athene's or tear on Kass. He doesn't need that much mana, roa is enough. Roa, zhonya's, and lich bane/deathcap are core. Not that you have to build them every time but athene's and tear are useless.
If you're going for the super late game* then tear isn't that bad. Archangel's is always a nice luxury item on him.
*super late game means you have an easy farm lane and you're not missing any cs and your jungler has just fed you a first blood double kill against your opponent who does not hard counter you and you have the leniency to not just auto-snowball the game.
nyan :3 Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Please don't ever build Athene's or tear on Kass. He doesn't need that much mana, roa is enough. Roa, zhonya's, and lich bane/deathcap are core. Not that you have to build them every time but athene's and tear are useless.
Its really nice on him seeing as you can spam his 4 stack ult with the new masteries.