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as a level 19 nub, how the hell do you play against:
- yasuo
- rengar
- veigar
- riven
pls. all op in my eyes.
i shouldn't be talking, as I love playing fizz - but some champs are just downright more powerful than others. as in, two mid laners with the exact same roles and types (assassins e.g.) played by the exact same skill level person will result in one being stronger than the other. that is completely unfair, no?
Yasuo - He's weakest from levels 1-3, starts to get strong when he gets his first crit item. In the early to early-mid game, he'll win extended fights, so you want to be able to safely poke him in the early game. CC is necessary to lane against him most of the time. He doesn't fare particularly well against other melee mid laners, since most of them are capable of trading well with him while bringing more burst and poke. I know some people do a Diana counterpick against Yas, since she can do an extended fight with him, and brings a lot of burst. Fizz should actually do pretty well against him, so long as you play the matchup properly and whittle him down.
Rengar - I'm not that great at dealing with him. Point and click champions are hard to have counterplay against, so the only answer I can give is don't let him snowball. Alternatively, since you play Fizz, learn to on reaction e as you see him pounce you, as you should avoid the majority of damage he brings if you can bait out the rengar combo.
Veigar - he needs to farm, so if you can bully him a little in the early game, he suffers. Combined with no mobility and difficult to aim cc, he's vulnerable to ganks and early kill threats. When he hits 6, the key is to not get caught in the stun ring, and (as fizz) save e when possible to bait out his ultimate. Pressing e at the right time will nullify most of his point and click damage, making it relatively easy to deal with him as a highly mobile champion.
Riven - when she uses spells, back up a little. She wins trades because she uses a spell that does some mini form of cc, auto attacks, then shields away. If you can dodge the final strike of her q, or her w, and don't frontload your damage on to the shield, you should win most trades against her as fizz.
And part of the game is that all champions are not inherently balanced. Some champions will always be the meta picks of the game, and some champions will not be. True balance in a moba is both hard to achieve, and not worth the resources to pursue. With every champion in the game, and every new champion or item that may be added, there's a huge number of combinations to test out, and champion synergy to determine, that it's just near impossible to determine perfect balance when you have all the numbers, and it changes the entire system when something new gets added in. Furthermore, part of the game is that there are always some champions that will beat other champions. It's why roles form, and it's the foundation of a champion triangle. There's x champions, y champions, and z champions. x beats y, y beats z, z beats x. Within the system, the champions are theoretically balanced by the fact that a counter to them exists.