>Berserks on yasuo, IE as a 3rd item
lost all credibility
Melee champions that get damage items that aren't Rengar don't really have a late game. You either win midgame really hard or you lose because the ranged carries scaled up.
Tell that to Jax, Riven, Ekko, Kassadin, Talon, Master Yi, Hecarim, Gangplank, Fiora, Fizz, etc.
You haven't played league of legends of you haven't been oneshot/1v5'd by one of these champions at 45 mins and you're delusional if you think late game melee characters don't exist
Ive never personally had the issue. At least not with yas, tryn gets hit hard for me
Correct me if Im wrong, but low Elo is far differerent? I have never had the issue, so I build differently.
I never said you are wrong. Simply that I dont understand why its viable/not viable.
Also, looks like a lot of negatives scores, half to be exact. And half are the same guy.
PBE Keystone Mastery (Spoiler)