Originally Posted by
So apparently melee carries can't be AP
AD melee carries can't be AD, because we're talking about AD melee carries and not AP melee. Not every champion that can carry is a carry. You can carry with full tank maokai. Carry champions are the primary dps of the team. Kassadin and Ekko are rarely the main dps of the team if ever.
The only real AP focused melee(hahaha no) carry I can think of is Kayle, and Kayle builds on-hit instead of straight AP.
The last true AP melee carry was AP tryndamere. You can disagree all you want, but Kassadin is an assassin that does a lot of frontloaded burst damage. Talon fits a similar niche, but for the fact that Talon can quite literally 1v5 if fed.
Originally Posted by
TIL that too, plus apparently a fed Riven isn't scary at all and easily shut down to let the enemy team freely catchup (apparently the 4 other guys on Riven's team are afk ^.^)
Hyde they're called "carries" for a reason. They carry games.
I can hardcarry with AP Rengar. That doesn't change rengar's role from assassin to carry. I can go full AD thresh and carry a game. Still not a carry.
Fed Riven is as scary as she's allowed to be. She went from being one of my most hated lane opponents to being one of the easiest lanes for me once I learned how to play against her.
If Riven is weaker than her lane opponent, which is a very real problem right now in this patch, the onus is on Riven to make something happen. Riven cannot just sit there and farm while being behind because Riven has a very limited window to make things happen.
That isn't true of multitudes of other popular top laners right now, which is why Riven's winrate tanked so hard.
It is really hard to zone entire teams from objectives as a melee champion which has to normally approach people in order to do any damage.
Last edited by Hyde; Dec 15, 2015 at 03:17 AM.