I got my grade for the exams I took in august.
5.5 for Maths (it was so hard)
5.9 for Dutch (reading texts)
Now I will hear if I finally graduated and go to uni.

i am a bird now - Lil B

Umm I don't really know if there is news.
Might ask ahmet since he and matarika are family.
It might be easier for him to contact her.

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by TimmyboyG View Post
Umm I don't really know if there is news.
Might ask ahmet since he and matarika are family.
It might be easier for him to contact her.

Makes sense
Lenshu Master/Buddhist
Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post


We have thread for this..... please......wibbles........please........not here.....

Moved his post to the Wibbles Thread.
Thank you for posting that or else I wouldve never seen it.
You make my duty a lot easier

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by TimmyboyG View Post
I got my grade for the exams I took in august.
5.5 for Maths (it was so hard)
5.9 for Dutch (reading texts)
Now I will hear if I finally graduated and go to uni.

Ughh, I needed to have a 5.7 for maths so I failed.
This fucking sucks :/
Now I need to write my extended essay again so I still can graduate.
I'm sick of highschool...

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by Ciulerson2 View Post
whats the scale?

I fucked up last year (2013-2014) so I only got 5.5-6 (1-10) as grades so I had nothing to compensate with.
The part that makes me so butthurt is that I told them I wanted to drop maths because I already passed it last year.
They didn't note it and guess what, its the fucking subject that made me fail this year.

Me nearly flipping a table

Last edited by TimmyboyG; Sep 1, 2015 at 11:40 AM.

i am a bird now - Lil B

Unlucky, I didn't even know you were able to drop maths xD

Woah,back to ascetic I see.
Aaaaaand a new rank for Gram and Greed. "Elder Monks".
Im and old monk ;_;
Congrats Guys!
Last edited by Kore; Sep 1, 2015 at 12:44 PM.