Yeah no. If you're better than that elo, it's the same as if your support blitzcrank pulls the fed intermediate bot renekton within slaughter range. It really doesn't matter because it's still a bronzong renekton or a silver renekton. What are they gonna do? Kill you then idle mid until you come back?
A 4v5 is still a 4v5. Put enough idiots in a single lane for long enough and eventually they'll butt heads, usually ending up in the team with higher numbers winning. Even frontline Miss Fortune can at least burn a few cooldowns before she goes down and evens things up numerically.
If you think it's your team's fault you're delusional
You statistically should have less shitters than them (4 shitters + you vs 5 shitters), so if you're losing that implies that you in fact are a shitter
Anyone who isn't doing something inherently wrong should stomp until plat, with any role
No, play Ez.
He's so easy to play and you can carry games by just doing tons of damage (lmao) while also being able to peel for yourself because if yu think your team is retarded, they're not peeling for your ass no matter how fed you are. He also has many strong power spikes (TF components, TF, and Muramana) mid game which is the most important time of the game.
You aren't good enough to play Vayne. Don't even bother. Also, none of those dickbutts in bronze can counter anything so don't worry about that.
Save a few games on and we can watch them for you and tell you what to do better.
Try to avoid playing mechanically intensive champions because I can guarantee you that you will not be playing them optimally.
Not really. I'm not saying I'm good but I'm decent at the game. Plus not everyone is bronze are bronze tier players. Some are decent at the game but you just get idiots that feed, which makes it hard for you to win.
I play Ezreal a lot, him and Lucian are my favourite ADCs right now. They do so much damage with the new items it's amazing. I want to ask a question because I don't know what to finish first Iceborn or Manamune. I normally go Iceborn if I get ganked a lot or if their ADC does a lot of damage.
Okay I'll listen to you Hyde. I'll play a few matches then give you guys some replays.