Secret Santa 2024
Umm I just saw him wearing Omega tag in blackbelt Judo server should I tell him to take it off next time?
Originally Posted by fcpavao View Post
I played with him, he beat me in wushu, but he used always the same move so...

I guess we could test him in judo.

judo test shall be
I'm a fucking professional!
BOBAH you should also take a screenshot for proof next time but I believe you

EDIT: I give laststand a no
Last edited by Ruadhan; Sep 23, 2009 at 08:45 AM.
Originally Posted by ruadhan View Post
BOBAH you should also take a screenshot for proof next time but I believe you

EDIT: I give laststand a no

umm just wondering why?
I'm a fucking professional!
Your name:MaDWoozie
Age (must be over 13. No lying, we will find out):Gah, 5 with a 1 before
Qi (must be over 1200): 500 or something...... actually 21.000
Rank:omg 16.000 or something....actually 17
Posts (must be over 100):lol same....dunno look there <- actually over 1500
How many hours a day you play: atm 1-3 maybe more after that
Past Clans: DAT, Parrot
Best Mod:Aikido.tbm
Ban/infraction history:Wui Permaban with other acc...
Anything you can contribute to the clan (art, textures, fighting, items, tc, etc. If textures, please post examples): Well...i can win tourneys on mass for the clan look top of the champions ->Won 29 tourneys or something
Active ingame/forums/IRC: IRC:NotReally Ingame:Active Forums:Active

Ow and yeah bobah asked me to join maybe...well kthxbai
The psycho #1
Woozie & out
Well can i add omega as allies?art


I'll talk with the co-leaders and see if we're allies.


Last edited by Arterial; Sep 23, 2009 at 04:24 PM.
Originally Posted by B0BAH View Post
Umm I just saw him wearing Omega tag in blackbelt Judo server should I tell him to take it off next time?

yeah, a screenshot would help with evidence so he cant argue that he wasnt wearing the tag, but YES, tell him to take it off if you see him again. I dont want noobs and people claiming to be in omega running around with the omega tag.

thanks for the heads up

If B0BAH asked you to join, then youre probably good enough lol. But just wondering, why was the other account permabanned? Anyways, just look for an omega server online.

*EDIT: Madwoozie, you are accepted into Omega.
Last edited by Arterial; Sep 23, 2009 at 04:23 PM.