It is dead to me timm is my friend but it seems very unlikely to become official now.................
I Get Around. Lenshu is Awesome.
Ok make up your mind. Is this dead or alive?

Why is it that no clan members are posting in this thread?

Where is the leader?

H3llsGate are you still in armadon cause I saw you try to make that Fatal clan?
I read the first page of this DSC..... I lost all respect for the clan. Check out the [Trinity] Dsc. It will help with this entire clan. Take advice from the other members of Toribash or you'll probably end up a dead clan like [Sin]. Timmartin, I'm sorry, but FIX THIS CLAN seriously.

~Proud Leader of [Trinity]~
Theres no serious business going on here.... Discussing getting lucky with a girl? This has to be one of the worst clans I've ever seen.

Last edited by EmoTeal; Mar 21, 2010 at 01:40 AM. Reason: Forgot a little spam.... LOL just kidding

Now it sounds so noobish when you are bragging about it...
Why are you even invading this and asking is it dead..
tim is inactive it is his problem..
Who cares if this is alive or dead...
None here is a member of ARMADON, except few inactive guys. It's alive just ingame not forum... ARMADON will never get official if they won't get forum active..
Let the DSC be for the members...
I've been busy with school and girls so leave us alone we are not dead and emoteal don't double post man.
* MMDES222 ([email protected]) has joined #support
[13:47:19] <MMDES222> How to add a brother to the game to make it (mc)
[13:50:05] <@Stellar> What the fuck did you just say to me

Kristis133 is better than me
I do belive it's time for this clan to shape up a bit. BUT aparrently we're incabable of doing so, becuase some people don't know when to shut the fuck up, and just chillax a bit.
Toribash...I threatened to make a comeback last year...Never came to be. I think I need to change that this year