in 100000 of galaxies there must be something.
Even if the Government knew anything about it they would keep it a secret.
Everyone watch area 51 interview with their squad on national geographic
No, i dont believe in aliens...
Aliens are a creature invented by human beings and not as he has to live somewhere else if not here on earth, where they will be the essential materials for the life of a being.
Originally Posted by rot3ex View Post
aliens are real they came to earth i believe in them

Do you have any arguments that can back that up?
why not belive in aliens?
if the universe is so large as the cience explain, there should be a lot of creatures living in other planets . . . maybe they aren't intelligent, but is selfishness to think tath just exist life on Earth
There is worlds out there that are liveable on But it needs to be perfect like earth for a Food chain eg... by the time the aliens have space travel they will have learned peace there is nothing to be afraid of Aliens
Originally Posted by EviLock View Post
No. I don't believe in the existence of aliens. The Egyptian slaves made the pyramids - with the help of many other slaves.

Thank you for your time ^.^

actually they weren't slaves at all they were high paid workers and they even had thier own tombs near the pyramids if they happened to die working
i do beleive aliens are real though, why would the government try to hide something that isn't real? think about it, if there was no threat they could just go out in public and say it not cover it up with more conspiracies and phony explanations,. and what about the ex-government officials giving statements to the press about what they've seen in these cases... believe people... believe
Last edited by ixeek717; Aug 7, 2011 at 04:39 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I will end this. The universe is infinite. No arguing that. Therefore, there HAS to be something. The chances of there not being something are extremely slim.
Pinpoint accuracy, baby. Pinpoint accuracy.
It is nonsense to say you have an argument about aliens,ppl will not believe anyway.
there must be some kind of life in the universe,look at it 100000 galaxies probably 120381928392384 planets (just an guess),and who knows if there isnt more than that?
kinda impossible for us to be alone in so huge space,i do believe.If ppl start opening their minds for new things,the human race would be far more conscient of their act and non-violent,but the only problem is: we still think as an cave man.We only think about survival and food, if an zombie apocalypse happened here,just for an ex,the first thing the government would think is to store food,make shelters,and protect even more rich ppl(when the last tree fall,the last animal die and the last river disappear, they will see that money isnt food).

Originally Posted by Doc View Post
ofcourse, here they are!

There are no stupid questions, just stupid people
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