Originally Posted by rainboweye View Post
Lying again. Such a good reason to be banned.

I don't think you understand what 'compound' means
Lying about staff in an attempt to undermine them imo is a very good reason to get banned. he lies a lot any way but to deliberately go out of your way to annoy the staff so they are left with little choice is hardly a good move. Nor is it the actions of an efficient, effective clan leader.
Go check my myspace
Originally Posted by JustKerry View Post
Lying about staff in an attempt to undermine them imo is a very good reason to get banned. he lies a lot any way but to deliberately go out of your way to annoy the staff so they are left with little choice is hardly a good move. Nor is it the actions of an efficient, effective clan leader.

Hi kerry <3

Vox Moderated Message:
User was infracted for this post.
Last edited by Vox; Feb 2, 2012 at 10:19 PM.

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
it said mega got infracted? or is that just me? lol.

oh yeah thats right mega, that turns you into a [Le Traitor] and a [Le Hypocrite]
Originally Posted by JustKerry View Post
Vox why the fuck was Mega infracted for saying hi to me in the general banter thread ?

I imagine it was for a useless/spam post.
[19:32] <@darilu-kun> tori = furry, bash = pride