Hi bodyevery, I edited Tehmanh's "berk intense fight" replay.

Also added the Alchran Olympics!! :OOOO
Attached Files
Alchran Olympics v2.rpl (52.0 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Alchran; Sep 22, 2012 at 05:10 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
{[ A L C H R A N | IS | AWESOME ]}
6d are we still doing the records of our clan bank? Sorry I forgot to do it until now but the thread is gone from the lawedan forums.
Proud member of Lawedan
My replay of my alt getting up if he's knocked down in sparring. :P
So yeah, the replay of me getting up.
Attached Files
This is me getting up.rpl (58.9 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by Alchran; Oct 7, 2012 at 04:35 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
{[ A L C H R A N | IS | AWESOME ]}
Oh man Lawedan! u still beter and better ! Yes, its me gargon, i wanted to chek on u guys I hope u will do good, and if somebody wants to spar with meh, just cam IG. cya guys
LAWEDAN ACADEMY is coming back this 2014! We're currently looking for a roster, if you're interested, feel free to drop me an email.