
he has spoken
WHAT I DIDNT TYPE IN ASH, I TYPED IN HAMPA <-<... >-> hes watching us
H a m p a
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Last edited by Zer0; Mar 31, 2013 at 10:55 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
If I haven't told you this about how I can't upload replays its because something is wrong with my computer and it deleted my tb folder and when I redownload it it still doesn't work.

I will try my best to fix it but as Vams calls it my computer is an Alien PC lawl beacause its such a weird Software.

Well just want to let you guys know (Should said this earlier but w/e)
Have Fun | Enjoy Life | Stay cool
Nah it's alright. Get a new computer, seriously if what you say is true that your OS is neither windows, mac or linux, or anything else in close resemblance in version. It was cool in the 80's maybe, but now that's just crazy ;d
But why's the rum gone? :v
so i was wondering if anyone had a relax all armband, , diamond has one but the text is too small hueheu :/
it's a bit limited by the size of the arm itself.
It would be nice if we did make an armband - I would wear it. Maybe the old RA letters from sahee, cleaned up a bit, or maybe those we used for our TW corner, idk. This seems to come up from time to time, but never quite gets completed ;P
Alright i Made a Gimp fail RA armband, im not an artist or anything, and its meant for 128 texture

made it in about 10 minutes, just for a placeholder till someone makes something neat
Last edited by Zer0; Apr 3, 2013 at 07:33 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I don't know about armbands for everyone, i've always been a fan of variety and uniqueness. That's why my "set" isn't actually a set per se, but a whole bunch of wild edited pictures with different meanings. You can still go with the armbands, i already got RA stamped on my forehead in the head texture, but you can show that off in a different way as well. That is, if you so desire to show it, i imagine it would be hard for killer to think of something different for that uber leather set of his.
Last edited by k6vamees; Apr 3, 2013 at 12:48 PM. Reason: gmarmamramr
But why's the rum gone? :v