Christmas Lottery
I pretty sure it is supposed to be free form app's right? Yet most of the user's who applied couldn't follow a simple rule?

Maybe people are not ready to become a "Reaper" ;)
Rythm smells like Cheese
well, if im the only one who is going to read the rules, so be it. This is my app for Reapers.

So lets get into real life stuff first. My name is Jack. I am 13 years old and my birthday is March 24. I was born in 2000, only one problem though. I was born with fucked up hands (never shared this with anyone other than pixel). I hand my middle finger to my pinkie on both hands all stuck together. Also I had 7 thumbs (sounds crazy but true). 4 on my left hand and 3 on my right. Then all the surgery's left me in casts until i was 6. Around 7 i was diagnosed with some sickness with my lungs and lower intestines the same year. So life sucked for me as a child. Now i play sports such as football and lacrosse. I live in Boston Massachusetts and my gmt is -4.

In-game I am a 5th dan. I have been playing since 2011 on my alt - temp0. My favorite mod is rk-mma (one of the main reasons i want to join). i am rank 9 i think now in the mod. what got me into the mod was one of your lobbys "welcome to hell" and i beat viper and it probably the greatest moment of my life as i thought. i started to play more and then playing with viper more and thats how i got good at it. He taught me well. If you want to play with me im usually in /jo ace playing rk-mma. Other than that i play akido. i like play fl0w style where i counter rather than attack.

im also a artist. Pm me if you want a request.

my skype is ~ macmilf ~ so hit me up on there if any questions.

thanks guys,

i posted some replays aswell now (i was on my phone before)
Attached Files
#Purp ~ Smooth.rpl (152.0 KB, 4 views)
#Purp ~ 1st skeet edit.rpl (154.4 KB, 4 views)
#Purp ~ Surprize Smack.rpl (151.4 KB, 4 views)
blam.rpl (35.5 KB, 3 views)
no.rpl (52.1 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Ocean; Aug 9, 2013 at 06:06 PM.
I like this app. I think that we can give his a chance.
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Originally Posted by PurpleAce View Post
Is the rule three yes's and im or...

nope, we give a chance for everyone to vote, not just 3.