I just checked out my sent items and my message is there, so my cellphone really sent the PM. Also, I checked the inbox again and no PM.
His name is elvis. It seems that he's a 7th Dan Black Belt, but I couldn't find more information about win ratio and stuff like that. elvis was defeated by Deuteria on Apr 22, 2013. This is his last record. He has only 12 Tc, and from the 3 torunaments he joined, none of them he won. He's also member of a LOT of fan groups and WTF groups such as Akmal's fans and The Offcial Huge Penis Bearers Club. Also, he looks very addicted since he started on 2011 and he's a 7th Dan.
In judofrac, it is the opposite of the other mods; you HAVE GOT to do a nice starter.
Try a stable starter, however. Use your arms for grabbing the opponent, and as you start feeling more comfortable with the mod, low kick your opponent.
DO NOT USE A HIGH KNEE ATTACK. Your knee will be stuck between everybody's arm. When the fight starts, just stay stable. If you stabilize yourself, for sure your opponent will be screwed. If you are with the points advantage, in the middle of the air, and your opponent isn't grabbing you... Well, you can be nice and do nothing or be smart and let him fall of your hands. And yes, it's not like judo, but judofrac has some random fracs. But for keeping shorter, do not turn your arm to the opposite side of your opponent. The gravity is so fucked up that your arm will stop and your whole body will spin. Also, thanks to the low gravity, air reversals are easy.
Just stay on the ground and stable, and you'll be ok